Friday, August 24, 2012

This Has Been A Busy Week

BJ's sister and brother-in-law live in Seattle. That's why we're using that city as the jumping off point for this adventure.

The brother-in-law (we call him "Hardball" for reasons I don't care to explain) was kind enough to loan us a pair of sturdy cases made specifically to transport bicycles so that we could ship our bikes ahead. They were supposed to arrive in Illinois on Monday, but a train derailed somewhere in the southern part of the state and set delivery back a day.

Tuesday afternoon we packed our bikes. This involved a goodly amount of dismantling. The wheels, pedals, saddles, handlebars, water bottle cages, rear derailleurs, and one brake arm had to come off. We got everything broken down and packed up tight and now our bikes are on a brown truck somewhere between home and Seattle. Barring further railroad accidents, they should be waiting for us in Washington when we arrive next Monday. Then it should be a simple matter to disentangle all of the cables and reassemble our bikes.

Should be.

I hope.

In the meantime, this has been a crazy week. In addition to my usual duties, I had a funeral Wednesday afternoon. I'd also made a commitment to teach a half-hour sampler class for a Diakonia program "Come and See" event Wednesday evening.. And then there's everything I've had to do to get ready to leave. I actually prepared seven weeks worth of worship bulletins this week.

As I sit at my desk writing this post, the floor behind me is littered with stuff: camping gear, bicycle tools, toiletries, clothing. It should be everything I need for a month on the road.

Should be.

I hope.

I'm not sure how I'll get it all on my bike. I comfort myself with the fact that my packing list is shorter, and probably lighter, than BJ's.

I figured out a clever way to transport my tent poles safely. I'll tell you about it if and when they get to Seattle.


  1. What's a "worship bulletin"? Sounds dangerous. Are you taking those with you in case of trouble with bears?

    Mile Marker

  2. Nothing dangerous about a worship bulletin at all. It's just a sheet of paper, folded into a booklet, on which the order of a church service, the hymns, readings, etc. are printed.

    They aren't of much use against bears. So, I'm leaving them behind for Pastor Chris and the congregation to use.

    Why are so many of my friends so paranoid about bears? (I'm actually taking a bear along with me. His name is Buddy and he has shared all of my bicycle touring adventures).

    Barn Scent Melt

    1. Just do your best to avoid them, my friend (the pastor and the bear joke keeps coming to mind...). I continue to think that a worship bulletin, strategically folded and used with ninja like skill might be of some use (I'd take at least one).

      I'm not at all worried about land sharks or R.O.U.S.'s -- I'm pretty sure both are just myths.

      Mare Milker (goes well with Barn Scent)

  3. Well, Mare, my friend, since I am utterly lacking in ninja skills, I think I'll leave the bulletins behind.

    I assure you,however, that we will take all necessary precautions against bears.

    And land sharks. And ROUSs. And chupacabras. And bigfoots, uh, bigfeet, uhmmm, sasquatches.
