Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Veggies, A Stolen Pen, Canted Handlebars, and Dinner in Camp

I was feeling a little off yesterday. I ate because I had to but it took an effort. I realized that no significant amount of vegetable matter had seen the inside of my digestive tract in several days. Last night's dinner was a pair of veggie samosas and a half pound of mixed fruit from the Safeway deli.

As the little girl ghost from the Sixth sense said, "I'm feeling much better now."

Back east where our nation is older, geographic boundaries tend to follow geological features. Out here, the state borders are straight lines. I thought that we spent the night in Idaho because we crossed a river. Melanie disabused me of that notion. We actually crossed back into Washington for the night.

On the way to breakfast this morning, I said, "Hey, Beej! My handlebars are canted about ten degrees to the left."

BJ replied, "And it only took you 350 miles to notice."

I straightened them out in camp tonight. We'll see how well I did tomorrow.

We had breakfast in Priest River. Our server Nikki wrote "God bless" on the back of the check. She was born in Chicago. Her father went to Moody Bible Institute. She was the soul of wholesomeness. I felt badly when I discovered that I had stolen her pen.

Our lunch stop was a brew pub in Sandpoint. Our server, Julie was heavily tattooed. I gave her Nikki's pen.

My computer says we rode about 59 miles today. BJ's reads higher. Of course.

We're staying the night at the Blue Lake Resort near Naples, ID. Supper was a bag of salad, and a Velveeta Cheesy Skillet Chicken Alfredo with canned chicken breast cooked over sterno pellets.

It's kind of an involved story about how BJ thought he lost the stove, but didn't , and got a can of propane but it didn't fit the stove anyway and...well...dinner tasted good and I'm full and that's what matters.

What's For Supper


  1. Watch out . . . you're headed towards Canada!

  2. I am enjoying your great adventure. Ride safely. Keep the dirty side down and the clean side up, if you can tell the difference.

  3. Before my shower tomight, there was no difference, Bill
