Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Enchanted Highway

Our accommodations last night were spartan even by city park standards. We had a pit toilet with no toilet paper.

We walked back over to the bar and had a cold bottle of beer and a pizza. When we told the bartender about the situation in the park she gave us a roll of TP.

This morning we ate snacks from our panniers and left Gladstone without coffee.

The road south from Gladstone is designated 100M Ave SW, though it changes names a number times. It is popularly known as the Enchanted Highway. Sculptor Gary Greff has erected several large, whimsical scrap metal sculptures at various intervals along this road between I-94 and the town of Regent.

In addition to the geese we saw yesterday there are grasshoppers, pheasants, fish, and Teddy Roosevelt on a rearing horse. The oldest of the sculptures is a tin family unveiled in 1991 The most recent is a pair of deer from 2006. Another sculpture is in the works.

We also stopped to look around Lefor, which seems well on its way to becoming a ghost town. Houses are run down and in disrepair. Curtainless windows suggest that some are no longer occupied. Yet this little town boasts a large, beautiful Catholic Church, in good repair and recently roofed. The ranch style rectory next door was well-kept. Its lawn trimmed and green.

We stopped in Regent for breakfast at about noon. We were served tepid water in a plastic cup and stale coffee. The club sandwich and ham-and-potato soup were serviceable. Conversation with the locals was pleasant.

The wind came up and we were both tired. The road ahead holds nothing more promising than what we've found in Regent, so we made camp in the city park.

We had a good ice cream cone at the Enchanted Highway Gift Shop. Later we'll hit the saloon for supper.

Today's mileage: a short 35 miles. Trip total: 1393.

Enchanted Highway Sculptures

Lefor Church

1 comment:

  1. BJ reminds me that there were a red Corvette convertible and a Land Rover parked next to the rectory in Lefor.
