Saturday, September 15, 2012

Jesus Has Low Standards

Back at the Sweet Memories Ice Cream Parlor this morning we enjoyed some of Leona Knutson's egg bake, huckleberry bread, and cinnamon rolls for breakfast. I used the rest room before we left.

Over the sink is a mirror etched with the saying, "This is the face of someone Jesus loves."

Looking at the reflection of my sunburned, road ravaged, unshaven face I thought, "Jesus has low standards."

There may be a sermon in that.

This morning's tailwind turned against us this afternoon. It was a long 81 miles to Wolf Point. Trip total 1110 miles. Tomorrow we turn south.

About five miles from town, a familiar blue Metro tooted its horn as it went by. Our friend Joey stopped and took more pictures. He attended a rodeo in Canada yesterday and spent the night at the border, sleeping in his car. Apparently the border closes at 9:30 p.m.

By the way, BJ found his bandana. It wasn't stolen after all and I owe an apology to the birds of Havre, MT.

We took a room for the night again. It will be good to sleep indoors in a real bed.

I talked with Melanie for a while. I miss her.

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